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For those who subscribe to the Large Electronic Dictionary of Modern Greek - Pataki (LEDMGL-P) or renew their subscription to it, the prices shown in the tables below apply:

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 **Due to its nature, the Large Electronic Dictionary of Modern Greek Language - Pataki (LEDMGL-P) includes terms that may not be suitable for underage children. Therefore, registration in the LEDMGL-P for persons under the age of 18 is subject to the consent and control of parents or guardians. (Parental permission is given at the time of registration in the LEDMGL-P. In any case, it is recommended that the use of the LEDMGL-P by minors be under parental control.

For more than twenty (20) years Pataki Publications has been working with dedication for the creation of the Large Electronic Dictionary of Modern Greek Language - Pataki (LEDMGL-P).

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